Brand Design

It all begins with an idea. A story told through beautiful design. Bring something more to your business with a multi-layered experience told through carefully crafted design and a strong brand strategy. Share it with the world and watch how people respond. It’s the way you tell your story online and irl that can make all the difference.

The Victorian Hotel

Built in 1898, The Victorian is a boutique hotel in Vancouver, Canada with a golden-era past. Our goal with re-branding this hotel was to showcase a harmonious balance of old and new with a sense of relaxed luxury for the modern traveller.

Creating a timeless brand identity and colour palette was essential to give reference to the hotel's history while also using a fresh, modern approach. The brand identity was built out to cohesively mesh into the interior design and overall story told throughout the guest experience. With a full renovation currently underway, the new look and brand is set to launch Summer 2023.

We wanted to create something that felt fresh and modern while still giving reference to the hotel’s historical past. By using a flora & fauna custom wallpaper design that pays homage to local and sometimes surprising wildlife; the branding showcases a part of Vancouver’s unique offerings with a vintage feel.




Boutique Agency • Branding • Design • Content •

Boutique Agency • Branding • Design • Content •